Grounding techniques to separate yourself from the energy in the room

Grounding techniques to separate yourself from the energy in the room


Feeling overwhelmed? Is the energy in the room unsettling you? Do thoughts keep crowding in? Is your mind locked into a thought loop routed in the past?

 Grounding techniques can be very effective for separating yourself from the energy in a room and maintaining emotional autonomy. Here are some methods that you might find helpful.

My absolute favourite is the 5-4-3-2-1 Technique because of its simplicity and accessibility. I often use it at the end of sessions to get clients back into the room. I also use it a lot just for myself to make sure that I am grounded and rooted in the moment so that I am able to be fully present and savour the moment before making it a precious memory.            The 5-4-3-2-1 Technique works like this: Identify  and focus for a few seconds on five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. You can keep your focus by counting them off on your fingers. This technique helps you become more present in your own body and environment, reducing the influence of external energy.

Other Physical Grounding Techniques

  1. Deep Restful Breathing:

This exercise involves breathing at a pace of about 5-6 breaths per minute, it is often used to to reduce symptoms of depression and improve overall mood. I also use it to settle when trying to go to sleep. Sit or lie down with your spine straight. Place one hand on your stomach and one hand on your chest. Inhale slowly through your nose for 4 seconds. Feel your stomach expand with the breath as you inhale. Pause briefly at the top of the inhale for 1-2 seconds. Exhale slowly through your nose for 6 seconds. Feel your stomach deflate as you exhale. Use the hand on your stomach to control and deepen your inhales and exhales. Keep your breath smooth and steady. Focus your awareness on the rise and fall of your stomach as you breathe. Aim to breathe from your diaphragm rather than your chest. Maintain this breathing pace for 2-5 minutes. Let go of any thoughts or distractions and relax into the rhythm of the breath.

  1. Progressive Muscle Relaxation:

Lie down with a straight spine. Tense and then relax each muscle group in your body, starting from your toes and working your way up to your head. This can help release tension and bring awareness to your physical presence. If you take your time with this and do it thoroughly it can even help relieve migraines.

  1. Grounding Objects:

Carry a small object that connects you to good memories or positive thoughts, like a stone, crystal or a piece of jewellery, that you can touch to remind yourself of your own energy. Holding or touching this object can help you stay connected to your own centre. This can be particularly when trying to overcome anxiety.

Mental Grounding Techniques

  1. Visualization:

Imagine yourself in a peaceful, safe place, like a beach or a forest. Visualize the details vividly, and let the calmness of the scene envelop you.

  1. Affirmations:

Repeat affirmations to yourself, such as "I am in control of my own energy" or "I am separate from the energy around me." This can help reinforce your emotional autonomy.

  1. Mindfulness Meditation:

Practice mindfulness by focusing on your breath, body sensations, or a particular object near you. Mindfulness can help you stay present and less affected by the emotions and energies around you.

Emotional Grounding Techniques

  1. Emotional Check-In:

Regularly check in with your own emotions. Acknowledge and validate your feelings without judgment. This helps you distinguish between your emotions and the emotions of others. Check in that your actions are inline with what you are feeling rather than social expectations.

  1. Boundaries Visualization:

Visualize an energetic boundary around yourself, like a bubble or a shield. This boundary allows your energy to stay inside while keeping external energies out.

  1. Journaling:

Write down your thoughts and feelings. This can help you process your emotions and separate your own experiences from those of others.

Sensory Grounding Techniques

  1. Engage Your Senses:

Use sensory experiences to ground yourself. For example, listen to calming music, hold an ice cube, or take a warm bath. Engaging your senses can bring you back to the present moment.

  1. Essential Oils:

Use essential oils like lavender or peppermint. Smell is a powerful sense that can help ground you quickly. You can even keep some on a piece of fabric or tissue paper in your pocket that you can take out when needed. This can also be helpful for anxiety especially if you choose fragrances that have particular meaning for you.

  1. Walking Barefoot:

If possible, walk barefoot on natural surfaces like grass, sand, or soil. This can help you connect with the earth and stabilize your energy.


Integrating these techniques into daily routine or using them as needed, can help you to develop a stronger sense of emotional autonomy and effectively manage the energy in your environment. You cannot control the environment, but you can control yourself and how you react to it.

Megan du Plessis

Registered Bereavement and Trauma Counsellor providing support and treatment to clients all over the world, both domestic and corporate.

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